
Tin Ping Shan Cross Duathlon cum Sprint Trail Run

日期時間 Date & Time:

2022.10.30 (Sun) 14:30 - 18:00

地點 Location:
上水天平山 Tin Ping Shan, Sheung Shui

形式 Format:
個人計時 Individual time trail

越野兩項學習及體驗賽 Cross Duathlon Learning & Experience race:
2022.10.2 (Sun) 14:00 - 18:00 (將設置計時系統,只限最先報名參賽的 20位人士) Only for the first 20 applicants.

社交距離安排 Social distancing arrangement:
各人相隔最少1分鐘出發,不得在起點/終點區逗留聚集。Each participant starts at 1 minute interval, no gathering allowed in the Start/finish zone.

計時系統 Timing system:
Sportident Air+, 各人自備 SI 卡(計時晶片) 或租用;在起點/終點、檢站隔空打咭計時。 Sportident Air+. Place SI card near control units in the start, finish and checkpoints.

越野兩項組別 Cross Duathlon Categories
  • 男子公開組 (2006 或之前出生) 0.8k x 2圈 越野跑 → 0.9k x 8圈 山地單車 → 0.8k x 4圈 越野跑

    Men Open (Born in 2006 or before) 0.8k x 2 laps Trail run → 0.9k x 8 laps MTB → 0.8k x 4 laps Trail Run

    預計勝出時間 Expected winning time : 11 mins + 32mins + 23 mins

  • 女子公開組 (2006 或之前出生) 0.8k x 2圈 越野跑 → 0.9k x 6圈 山地單車 → 0.8k x 4圈 越野跑

    Women Open (Born in 2006 or before) 0.8k x 2 laps Trail run → 0.9k x 6 laps MTB → 0.8k x 2 laps Trail Run

    預計勝出時間 Expected winning time : 12 mins + 25mins + 13 mins

  • 男/女子U20組 (2002 - 2007 出生) 0.8k x 2圈 越野跑 → 0.9k x 6圈 山地單車 → 0.8k x 4圈 越野跑

    Men/Women U20 (Born in 2002 - 2007) 0.8k x 2 laps Trail run → 0.9k x 6 laps MTB → 0.8k x 2 laps Trail Run

    預計勝出時間 Expected winning time : 12 mins + 25mins + 13 mins

  • 男/女子U14組 (2008 - 2014 出生) 0.8k x 2圈 越野跑 → 0.8k x 3圈 山地單車 → 0.8k x 1圈 越野跑

    Men/Women U14 (Born in 2008 - 2014) 0.8k x 1 lap Trail run → 1k x 3 laps MTB → 0.8k x 1 lap Trail Run

    預計勝出時間 Expected winning time : 12 mins + 13mins + 6 mins

短距離越野跑組別 Sprint Trail Run Categories
  • 男/女子U16組 (2006 或之後出生) Men/Women U16 (Born in 2006 or after) 0.8k x 4圈(攀升160m) 0.8k x 4 laps (Ascent 160m) 預計勝出時間 Expected winning time ~ 22-24 mins

  • 男/女子U14組 (2008 或之後出生) Men/Women U14 (Born in 2008 or after) 0.8k x 4圈(攀升160m) 0.8k x 4 laps (Ascent 160m) 預計勝出時間 Expected winning time ~ 23-26 mins

  • 男/女子U12組 (2010 或之後出生) Men/Women U12 (Born in 2010 or after) 0.8k x 3圈(攀升120m) 0.8k x 3 laps (Ascent 120m) 預計勝出時間 Expected winning time ~ 20 mins

  • 男/女子U10組 (2012 - 2014出生) Men/Women U10 (Born in 2012-2014) 0.8k x 2圈(攀升80m) 0.8k x 2 laps (Ascent 80m) 預計勝出時間 Expected winning time ~ 15 mins

  • 親子組 (小朋友2012 - 2016出生) Parent-Children (Child born in 2012-2016) 0.8k x 2圈(攀升80m) 0.8k x 2 laps (Ascent 80m) 預計勝出時間 Expected winning time ~ 15 mins

參加活動基本條件 Basic requirements for joining:

所有組別山地單車及越野跑路段有相當難度,沒有足夠相關經驗和技術者切勿參加。The MTB course trail run course (all categories) are difficult, those without adequate relevant skills and experience should not join

路線 Routes:
Tin Ping Shan cross duathlon open U20

Tin Ping Shan cross duathlon U14

Tin Ping Shan trail run

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結果 Results

分段時間 Split time